Kindle Publishing

Kindle Publishing: What Is It and Why Is It So Popular

Have you written a book and want it published, but keep getting turned down?

Don’t fret anymore.

Kindle Publishing is here for those who have been turned down by traditional publishing houses and agents who just want something new to shake the writing tree.

The publishing world is tough, and you needed tough skin to survive it.

The likelihood of getting published was minimal.

While you could have a publishing house take a look at it, the chances of it actually being published were slim to none.

That’s why people love the Kindle Publishing platform so much.

Would-be authors can actually become authors with it!

Kindle Publishing: What Is It?

The majority of people know about the Amazon Kindle e-reader, which allows you to read e-books on any topics such as weight loss, self-help, relationships, and even works of fiction.

If you’ve written a book but traditional publishing firms have turned you down, the Kindle Publishing platform was created for you.

You can publish your book in e-book format and become a published author.

As the author, you can market it on Amazon to anyone in the world who then can buy it if they want.

This is great for all authors that want the freedom of how to write their next novel.

You’re not bound to the constraints publishing firms often have.

Why Does It Work?

Kindle is great for any author because of its popular device, and many people don’t have time to rummage the bookstore for their next book.

Amazon allows them to easily find a book they want to read, buy it, download it and start reading immediately.

Don’t worry about the need for a Kindle device.

You can download the Kindle reader to any device (including a PC) and read the books on your computer.

It’s So Easy To Do

In the past, you had to write letters to publishing firms to see if they’d accept your book.

This took time and money.

You would spend a good chunk of your time mailing them and your manuscript, but only get notified that you could try again later.

It is extremely difficult to be published through a traditional publishing firm. Getting an agent’s attention is hard.

However, Kindle Publishing means you can forgo that route and sell your book to anyone right away.

So Much Easier To Get Published

With Kindle Publishing, you have an easier time getting published.

Of course, you still need to edit your book – hire someone to do this for you – and market it, so you make money from it.

If you get enough interest, well-known publishers may sit up and take notice.

Many highly successful authors have used the Kindle Publishing platform to make a good living – never, not once – using the traditional route to make their money.

You may have heard of Kindle but are unsure of how to publish your book for it.

It’s easy to feel intimidated by the thought of publishing an entire book, but you shouldn’t feel that way. Believe it or not, publishing via Kindle is really an easy thing to do.

If you want to know why it’s not that hard to publish on Kindle, consider the four reasons below:

You Don’t Need A Long Book

The most intimidating thing about publishing a book is the notion that you must have a long book – a book with many pages.

When it comes to publishing a physical book, this is a requirement.

Kindle is different. 

Kindle books can be found in an array of sizes and price ranges.

If you can offer your readers something of value and give them what you promised in the title and description, your Kindle book will do well.

Even if you have a short book, if it’s priced well, it’s going to sell great.

For instance, you can give your readers a simple solution to a problem they’re having and offer it for sale at $0.99.

The book doesn’t need to be more than five or so pages.

The only thing you must do is give them the solution you said you would give readers.

Kindle Books Don’t Have A Large Format

Look around Kindle, and you’ll notice that it’s rather small.

It’s portable, meaning you can take it anywhere you want.

It’s a great advantage, as adjusting the format to the small size allows the content to expand to multiple pages than if the pages were in a larger format. 

When preparing content for Kindle, you want it to be formatted to A-5, which is much smaller than the A-4 format or the typical 8×11 format that’s used for documents.

You’d be surprised to see how many pages are covered.

You May Already Have Enough Content

You may already have more than enough content if you’ve been writing articles for some time.

All you need to do is assemble the information into a Kindle book, reducing the page size to the Kindle format.

  • Review the articles you have and choose several of them about the subject.
  • Be sure to assemble them in a logical sequence. If you have to, fill in the gaps with more articles, adding in a small introduction and conclusion. This could be all you need to make something worthwhile out of what you have.

You could expand the content by adding images to the book.

Amazon Makes Kindle Publishing Easy

After you’ve put together the book, it’s ready to be submitted to the publishing platform.

This could cause you some anxiety, but it’s all in your mind. It’s not that difficult to publish your book on the Kindle.

Amazon makes it easy for people to publish multiple Kindle books because they want to offer a plethora of them themselves.

What people don’t often realize about Kindle is that all they have to do is upload a Word document.

While you could use a PDF format, Word is often the preferred method for most authors.

No matter what method you choose though, Kindle publishing is easier than you think.

Thanks to Amazon’s Kindle platform, writing and publishing books is much easier than in times past.

Your success and your failure are in your hands. It’s so easy to become an author thanks to Amazon.

So, if you have a book in your hands, what are some of the reasons to consider using the Kindle Publishing Platform?

Traditional Publishers Are Struggling

The industry is seeing a significant drop in its margins.

It’s possible that e-books could bring them back from the cliff of extinction.

Of course, this means being a bit cautious about signing contracts with companies that may not be in operation a few years from now.

The process of going through a traditional publishing company is long.

Once a contract has been signed, the deal has been made.

It could be years before you can legally publish your book if the company falls apart.

Book publishers are also not what they were previously. It’s difficult to get a contract, taking years to accomplish.

E-Books Have A Huge Market

The great thing about e-books is that they can be read on any digital device – smartphone, Kindle Fire, tablet, etc.

All you need is a device that lets you download Amazon apps like the Kindle reader and read the e-books this way.

One of the mistakes a majority of readers make is thinking they must have a dedicated reader.

Not true!

You can choose any device to read your books on wherever you are.

With this knowledge, the market is bound to grow even more.

According to Amazon, its sales for print books – hardcover and softcover – have grown.

Thus, the e-book market isn’t overtaking the print market, but it’s there for those who want to use it.

For many writers, the growth of the e-book market is a reason they self-publish.

It’s Easy to Publish Your Books

Another worry writers have is the formatting of e-readers, but the great thing is that it’s not that difficult to do.

All you have to do is write your book in your preferred Word Processing program like Microsoft Word or Open Office and create a DOC file.

While there are a few more things you need to keep in mind, there are some helpful guides to assist you.

Formatting, on the majority of books, takes a minimum of 30 minutes.

Your computer’s speed will depend on the actual length of time.

And, if you’re not keen on doing the formatting yourself, you could hire a person to do it for you.

All you need to do is email them your manuscript, and they’ll do everything to format it properly.

Publishing Your Own Book Can Be Lucrative

Although the market is faced with steep competition, it’s big enough to support even more. 

Many well-known authors are making great money, and even if you never make it to their standards, you could still make a good income from it.

Best of all, you’ll have published the book.

Are you looking to write a book but were afraid of being turned down by the publishing houses of yesteryears?

Don’t worry any longer!

Check out the Kindle Publishing platform to see your work up online and sold.


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