How to Get Massive Online Sales

Now imagine this: Not only do you make massive online sales, but you also build a huge customer list as a result.

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Just imagine making more money in a mere 72 hours than you made in the last six months… or even the last year.

Go ahead, take a moment and let that idea sink in.

That means your mortgage is paid for and maybe your kids’ college education too. You’re set.

A lovely dream, isn’t it?

Here’s the thing – this isn’t just a “pie in the sky” fantasy.

This is something YOU can make come true.

And right now you’re looking at the exact step-by-step blueprint that’s going to teach you exactly how to do it!

Before we jump into the system, let’s get a quick overview of how it works.

Let’s start with a quick definition of “firesale” for the purpose of this discussion:

DEFINED: “Firesale”

A limited-time sale where a package of goods is offered at an extremely discounted rate.

This firesales system is an easy four-step system that shows you exactly how to put together a firesale package, recruit an effective team of launch partners, and launch the package beyond your wildest expectations!

And here’s a brief look at what you’re about to discover.

#1 – COLLECT a Package of In-Demand Products

#2 – CRAFT a High-Response Sales Page

#3 – CONTACT and Recruit Launch Partners

#4 – CREATE a Buzz-Building Marketing Campaign

Now let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of how you can put this system to work for you…

#1: COLLECT a Package of In-Demand Products

Assuming you’ve already chosen a niche, and now you just need to find products for that niche.

Sidebar: Since many people who read this report will run firesales in the Internet marketing niche. References will be made to selling to the Internet marketing market.

However, do note that you can run a successful firesale in ANY niche.

Indeed, prospects in other niches may be even more receptive to them, since firesales aren’t as common outside of our Internet marketing circles.

Here are answers to your top questions…

What sort of products should you add to your package?

The answer is simple – add the same types of in-demand products that you’d sell individually.

See, some people sell “junk” in their firesales.

Don’t do that.

Instead, sell high-quality products… and be sure to add a few unique products that buyers can’t find anywhere else.

If you don’t know what sort of products your market wants, then do some research.

Specifically, find out what they’re ALREADY buying – and then sell something similar.

And remember, you’re not limited to just eBooks – you can sell software, audio, videos, and anything else your market wants.

Quick Tip: If you’re selling to the Internet marketing crowd, then you have the luxury of providing a variety of products.

They may include marketing products for educational purposes, marketing products with resell, master resell or private label rights (PLR), and other niche products that come with some sort of PLR or resell rights.

How many products should you add to your package… and how much should you charge?

If people in your niche have had firesales in the past, then research them to see how many products they included and for what price.

Generally, however, you’ll want a somewhat large package that starts at a very low (but ever-increasing) price.

For example, you may have a package of 50 products for $50 ($1 apiece) that goes up to $10 a day.

At the end of the sale, you can either end the offer completely or charge the full value (which may be worth hundreds if not thousands if someone purchased the products individually).

Where do you get these products to add to your package?

As mentioned previously, you’ll want to have at least a handful of products that your customers can’t find anywhere else.

And that means you’ll need to create this handful (or have them created for you by a reliable freelancer).

Quick Tip: As a good rule of thumb, make about 25% of your package completely unique products.

So if you have 50 products, 12 of them should be unique.

At the very least, they should be rewritten PLR (private label rights) products.

To fill in the rest of the package, you can hunt for resell rights products, master resells rights products, and private label rights products online.

Simply enter your niche keywords (like “Internet marketing”) followed by words like “resell rights” or “PLR.” For example: “Internet marketing PLR.”

Once you have your package, it’s time to craft a persuasive sales letter…

#2: CRAFT a High-Response Sales Page

Now that you know what product to include and how much you’re going to charge, you need to create a sales letter that convinces your prospects to get out their credit cards and order right now.

Quick Tip: If you’re absolutely new to creating sales letters, you may consider hiring a professional copywriter to write your letter.

At the very least, do consider having a professional critique of your letter.

Fortunately, there’s a simple formula you can apply when creating your sales letter.

You may have already heard of it before: AIDA.

AIDA stands for:

A – Attention

I –  Interest

D – Desire

A – Action

You need all four of those elements in your sales letter.

Here’s how to do it.

A – Attention

One of the most important parts of your sales letter is the headline – and that’s because the headline’s job is to get your prospect’s attention.

If the headline doesn’t do its job, then the rest of your sales letter might as well not even exist because it won’t get read… and you won’t get any sales.

Think of your headline as a “mini ad” for your sales letter.

To that end, your headline should make a big promise, such as by telling the reader the biggest benefit she’ll receive if she keeps reading.

You can also inject curiosity into your headline (so that the prospect needs to keep reading to satisfy her curiosity).

The way to do that is to promise a big benefit, but don’t tell the reader HOW she’ll receive that big benefit.

For example, consider these two headlines, each promoting green tea: “Drink One Cup of This Green Tea Each Day to Lose Weight!”


“Here’s How to Lose Weight Without Dieting, Without Pills, and Without Exercise!”

While both of these headlines could be effective, note that the second one arouses curiosity. It delivers the big promise – but doesn’t tell the prospect how she’ll get that benefit. So she needs to read on to find out.

I – Interest

Once you’ve “hooked” your prospect with a good headline, you need to start reeling her in – and to do that, you need to hold her interest.

Here is the “3S Strategy” to help you do exactly that:

  START with a good opener.  Because you made a big promise or even aroused curiosity in the headline, your opener needs to be the payoff.

If your first few paragraphs don’t “payout,” the reader may stop reading.

But that doesn’t mean you show all your cards at this point.

On the contrary, you can arouse further curiosity.

One way to do that is by telling a story in your opener, stopping right before the end of the story, and letting the reader know you’ll tell them the ending “in just a bit.”

People hate unfinished stories, and will often keep reading just to find out what happens.

(Of course, your story must be engaging, the reader should identify with the story, and it should be directly relevant to whatever you’re selling.)

SHOW genuine empathy. Your prospects have been searching high and low for someone who really understands their problems… and cares about them.

So far, all they’ve found are marketers who want to take their money and leave them with unsolved problems.

This is your chance to show you’re different.

If you can get inside your prospect’s head, then you already know how much her problems trouble her – and all you have to do is show that you genuinely care.

Show her that you identify with her and that she can identify with you.

Quick Tip: You can’t fake this.

You need to genuinely care and empathize with your prospects.

If you genuinely do, then don’t be afraid to show it.

  STIR UP emotion. Finally, you need to make your reader feel something.

If she feels something, then she’ll keep her eyeballs glued to your letter.

Later on, you’ll have her imagine how good it will feel to use your products.

But for right now, you need to “agitate” her by reminding her of how her problem makes her feel.

Ask her to imagine the pain, sadness, embarrassment or other negative feelings.

For example: ”I know what it’s like to keep a hand hovering by your mouth when meeting new people, simply because you’re embarrassed about your teeth…”

Bottom line: You need to hold her interest in continuing to read your letter… while also starting to spark her interest in the solution you’re offering.

D – Desire

You have your prospect’s interest – now it’s time to start stoking her desire for your product.

And to do that, you need to make your case that your firesale is the BEST solution to her problems.

Here’s a simple four-step process to get your prospects drooling over their keyboards, desperately wanting your firesale package:

1)List the products’ benefits. Your products have a lot of features… but what your prospects are primarily concerned about is how these products will benefit them.

To that end, you should create a   bulleted list of product benefits that create excitement and even curiosity about your products.

Let me give you an example of a feature versus a benefit.

The feature of your firesale package is that it includes five never-before-seen resell rights ebooks.

The benefit to the buyer is that she can make easy money with these products because the market isn’t saturated.

2) Offer proof. Your prospects really want to believe you.

They do.

But they also think marketers are prone to exaggeration.

And at the very least, they know you’re biased.

That’s why you need to offer proof of your claims.

One of these best forms of proof is “social proof,” where neutral third parties share their testimonials.

Quick Tip: If you have a lot of testimonials, then post the strongest ones in prominent places on your sales page.

Your strongest testimonials are those where people not just liked the eBook (e.g., “great book!”), but they could detail HOW the product helped them (e.g., “I love ten pounds using the tips in Chapter 5!”).

You may also offer up any other sort of evidence that proves your case, such as before and after pictures, videos, screenshots, etc.

3)Reverse risk.  Your prospects are skeptical.  

They’re worried that maybe the products aren’t really what you make them out to be.

But you can ease their minds by reversing (indeed, eliminating) the risk – and you do that by offering a strong (and long) guarantee policy.

Sometimes beginning marketers feel like a guarantee policy is just an open invitation for buyers to ask for refunds.

It’s not.

Because the people who want refunds will get them one way or another anyway – either by attempting to bully you or by going to their bank and doing a chargeback (which means you get hit by a big fee).

Indeed, you’ll actually make MORE money when you offer a guarantee policy because your conversion rate will increase!

4)Prod the imagination. Remember earlier when we talked about stirring your prospect’s emotions about her problem?

 Now that you’ve made your case, you need to stir her emotions about the solution – and you do that by asking her to imagine how it will feel to receive your product’s benefits.

Example: Here’s something you might say for a firesale aimed at Internet marketers: “You don’t have any competition — just imagine how much money you’ll make with these brand new reseller products!

Imagine your wife’s surprise when you get her that ring she’s been eyeing…”

You’ve made your case, listed the benefits, listed proof, and evoked emotion.

Now you got your prospect thinking she can’t live another day without your firesale package. It’s time to close the deal…

A – Action

Imagine a gentleman who’s about to ask a woman to marry him…

He takes her to a fancy restaurant and they sip champagne.

Then, when the moment is just right, he drops to one knee and shows the woman the most breathtaking diamond she’s ever seen.

She already knows she’ll say yes.

But then suddenly the gentleman jumps up and leaves the room without uttering a single word.

Silly, right?

But that’s a good analogy to what many marketers do on their sales pages.

Namely, they whip their prospects into a buying frenzy… and then leave these prospects hanging, a bit unsure of what to do next.

You see, you can easily skyrocket your conversion rate by doing one simple thing: Putting out a strong call to action to your prospects.

DEFINED: “Call to Action”

A call to action is just what it sounds like. This is where you clearly and specifically tell your prospects what you want them to do next. In the case of your firesale, you might say something like:

“Take out your credit card right now and click the “buy” button to claim your package!”

Calling your prospect to action will improve your conversion rate.

But you’ll do even better if you give your prospects a reason to act right now.

That is, you need to create a strong sense of urgency.

And one way to do that is by creating a fear of loss.

Fortunately, a firesale has a natural sense of urgency built right in:

1. There’s urgency because the fire sale only lasts for three days.

2. There’s urgency because the price goes up either every day, by a few pennies after every sale, or by fractions of a penny every second.

Quick Tip: Those last two can be accomplished using a firesale script that shows the price rising steadily.)

All you have to do is remind your prospects of this fierce urgency when you call them to action.

Now you know the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) formula. You can snap these elements into your typical sales letter format, which includes:

  • A headline and sub-headline. (Also benefit-driven sub-headlines throughout the copy to draw the skimmer’s eyes back into the copy.)
  • A salutation that speaks directly to the market (e.g., “Dear Internet marketer”).
  • A good opener that hooks the readers and evokes emotion.
  • A list of benefits (use a bulleted list to draw the eye to them).
  • Testimonials.
  • Proof.
  • A guarantee.
  • A strong call to action.
  • A “P.S.” at the end that reiterates the main benefit and/or creates a sense of urgency.

Once you put your letter together, you should have a few pros review it for you to make sure it’s as good as it can be.

Then it’s time to start recruiting partners to help you promote your firesale…

#3: CONTACT and Recruit Launch Partners

Let’s step back a moment to look at the big picture so you know where we’re heading.

Basically, your promotion is going to rest on the following two foundations:

1. Your launch partners.

2. Your ability to create anticipation and a pre-launch buzz.

In this section, you’ll discover how to find, contact and recruit affiliates who’ll help you build your pre-launch buzz and send a stampede of eager buyers to your firesale the moment it launches.

In the next section, you’ll find out how to whip your prospects into a pre-launch frenzy.

Let’s get to it…

Step 1: Finding effective launch partners.

Finding your potential launch partners is easy. Look in these places:

  • Google your market’s keywords to see who holds the top organic search engine rankings. Also, see who’s buying pay per click (AdWords) ads.
  • Search your niche forums for influential marketers.
  • Read your niche blogs to find influential marketers with busy blogs.
  • Read your niche newsletters to find partner with a newsletter platform.
  • Search Clickbank.com in your niche category to see who the top sellers are.
  • Search places like Amazon.com, Lulu.com and elsewhere to see who’s authored books in your niche.
  • Ask your current partners to recommend other affiliates.
  • Ask your customers whose products, blogs, sites and forums they enjoy.
  • Run a search for your competitors’ products to find out who’s promoting those products – and ask these affiliates to become your affiliate.


Step 2: Craft an irresistible offer.

If you’re selling to other Internet marketers, then you’ve probably noticed that this market sees plenty of firesales.

And that means your potential partners have seen plenty of “promote my firesale offers.”

That’s why your offer needs to stand out.

Quick Tip: Even if you’re not selling to Internet marketers, keep in mind that your potential launch partners get plenty of similar offers every week.

Here’s how to craft an irresistible offer…

Give your partners (and their customers) perks not available anywhere else. First, do a little research.

Find out what other marketers with similar offers have given their launch partners in the past.

Specifically, look at the commission percentage; specialized landing pages; specific perks for customers (such as semi-exclusive bonuses and/or discounts), etc.

Once you find out what everyone else offers, you offer something just a bit better.

You’ll also want to limit your initial number of partners to your very best affiliates – that way they get the benefit of being the first to introduce the package to the market, which means a better chance at more sales for them.

(However, you’ll want to open up the affiliate program to everyone soon after launch.)

Run an affiliate contest.  In addition to the perks mentioned above, you should also consider offering an affiliate contest with cash prizes (and other prizes of interest to your partners).

Be sure to keep an affiliate leader board updated, so that your affiliates can see who’s ahead – and how many sales they need to overtake the winner.

You’ll also want to offer random prices for everyone who sells at least one product.

Example: Each affiliate may get one entry for the first product they sell, and another entry for every five they sell after that.

That way, even those who know they can’t win the affiliate contest will be motivated to promote.

Create a compelling proposal. Finally, you need to create an affiliate proposal to send to your potential partners to convince them to promote your firesale.

This isn’t just a casual letter you send to potential partners.

Instead, you should treat this as a sales letter – because that’s exactly what it is.

You’re “selling” these potential launch partners on promoting your firesale.

As such, all copywriting rules apply. See the previous section for tips on how to craft a persuasive sales letter.

Step 3: Contact and recruit your potential partners.

Once you’ve created a list of potential partners and crafted an irresistible proposal, it’s time to start contacting them.

You have a few options here.

Namely, you can choose to email them, call them (if their phone number is listed on their site), or send a postcard or letter via postal mail (which can sometimes attract more attention).

Quick Tip: Want to cut through the noise and get your potential partner’s attention, fast? Then send a “PM” (private message) through a forum that you both regularly contribute to.

While all of these methods will work with some degree of success on “cold” prospects (e.g., potential partners who don’t know you), you’ll do better if you first develop relationships with these potential partners.

At the very least, you should seek to get noticed (and have your name recognized) by these marketers.

Consider this…

A stranger walks up to you on the street and asks you if you’ll take him to the airport.

Do you?

Probably not. You don’t know this guy.

Now what if he’s one of your friends making the same request – do you take your friend to the airport?

Of course (provided you’re able to do so). You wouldn’t hesitate.

Finally, what would you say if an acquaintance (or a friend of a friend) asked for the same favor?

Chances are, you’d seriously consider it. And whether you ultimately say yes or no, the fact is you’d consider it because this person isn’t a stranger.

And the same goes for your potential partners:

  • If they have no idea who you are, they might trash your proposal without even reading it.
  • On the flip side: If you’re already good friends with a potential launch partner, they’ll say yes to your request… without hesitation.
  • Finally, if they at least recognize your name, your email will get opened – and that increases your chance of them saying “yes” to you.

Bottom line: develop relationships first whenever possible.

If it’s not possible, then get noticed by becoming visible in your niche.

For example:

  • Post on popular forums and blogs.
  • Write and submit articles to article directories.
  • Start your own blog.
  • Sell your own products in the niche.
  • Become a “super affiliate” in your niche.
  • Publish your own newsletter.

Do that, and you easily increase your chances of getting more “yes” replies.

Quick Tip: Your partners are busy.

You should be contacting them about a month to six weeks before you want them to start with the pre-launch marketing.

That means you should be contacting potential partners about two months before your launch date.

At this point you have your package of products, you’ve created a killer sales letter, and you’ve contacted and recruited your marketing partners.

Now it’s time to create the marketing campaign that’s going to serve as the rocket fuel for your firesale!

#4: CREATE a Buzz-Building Marketing Campaign

There are plenty of ways to launch a firesale.

The best way, however, is to spend the few weeks leading up to the launch building your list of prospects, building anticipation among these prospects, and getting your niche “buzzing” about your sale.

Here’s how it works, step-by-step:

1.  You and your affiliates give away an “edgy” (viral) product to build your list and get people talking. (About three weeks before launch.)

2. You drip more free content out to your new prospect list. As you drip content, you start dropping hints about the upcoming launch.

3. You hold a pre-launch event like a contest about one week before launch. (This gets your prospects to start paying attention to your emails.)

4. In the final week, you really start building anticipation by telling more and more about what’s coming.

By the time the launch is 24-48 hours away, you want many of your prospects to already have decided that they’re going to buy.

You’ll learn how to do all of that and more in this section.

But first, you need to start by preparing for your eventual crush of visitors…

Step 1: Prepare for the deluge.

If you do everything right, you’re going to experience a huge stampede of visitors (and sales).

If you’re not ready for this stampede, it can overwhelm you.

Here’s what you need to do about three weeks before your launch date:

– Making sure you have enough bandwidth on your hosting plan to handle a large number of visitors. (Or making sure your server is ready.)

– Talking to your payment processor representative to let them know you’re expecting a lot of payments on your launch date. This lessens the chance of them freezing your account on launch day.

Quick Tip: Call your payment processor again in the week leading up to the launch just to make sure they have, indeed, noted in your account that you’re expecting a deluge of sales.

– Make backup plans for everything – your host, your payment processor, and your autoresponder.

Assume they’ll all go down during your launch, and have a backup host, payment processor, and autoresponder ready to go if needed.

– Set up a helpdesk to handle customer inquiries, and take on more staff if needed to answer questions.

Note: Don’t depend on email for customer service inquiries.

That’s because it’s too easy for email to get lost or trapped in spam filters.

Even if your email account doesn’t have a spam filter, your customer’s account probably does.

And people don’t always think to check their spam folders.

So what happens?

They don’t get your reply to their inquiry.

They grow angry, they assume you’re just ignoring them.

And you lose the sale.

If you use a Helpdesk, then a lost email doesn’t mean a lost sale – because the customer can always visit the Helpdesk to get your reply.

– Create your sales page, download page, and other necessary web pages.

Insert your payment links, download links, affiliate sign-up links, and mailing list forms.

Then double-check that all the links and forms work.

– Set up your affiliate program (and double-check that the payment buttons work with your affiliate links).

Then create and load up marketing materials for your affiliates to use.

You may include solo emails, articles or blog posts, banner ads and other graphics, short reports (more on this later), etc.

Quick Tip: One of the most popular payment processor services with affiliate tracking include ClickBank.com.

– Create an autoresponder series for your prospects and customers.

Again, double-check that all links work.

Just a bit later we’ll talk about what types of messages you’ll be sending.

Keep in mind that you’ll want to create some free content that you’ll “drip” over the course of a few weeks to help build the pre-launch anticipation.

Quick Tip: Your first email to your new customers should encourage them to become affiliates for the firesale.

– Set up a mailing list and a blog for your marketing partners.

This helps you keep in touch with them over the next few weeks, as you’ll need to remind them to send out the pre-launch marketing materials.

The blog can serve as a backup communication method, and it can also be used to post the results of the affiliate contest.

Step 2: Create and Release a Viral Freebie.

Your next step is to create a freebie that you’ll use to help build your pre-launch list.

You should create this freebie well before your launch so that you and your affiliates can start giving it away approximately two to two and a half weeks before the launch.

Note: Your freebie should be available on your website in exchange for an email address and a first name, which puts people on your prospect mailing list.

Your affiliates can send their traffic to your site using their affiliate links.

That way, these prospects are “cookies” (tracked in the affiliate system), which means your affiliate will get credit for any of these prospects eventually buy the firesale package.

Another thing you can do is create and offer a “rebrandable” report for your affiliates.

This is a report that includes a link to the firesale home page.

Each person who wishes to give away the report can “rebrand” the document with his or her own affiliate link.

Before the firesale, the rebrandable report should work to get people to join your list to get the viral freebie.

After the sale has started, your firesale home page will have the sales letter on it, so the report can also “presell” the package.

If you create a rebrandable report, be sure to make it available to all your affiliates.

You’ll also want to promote it in other ways, such as by linking to it in your forum signature, blogging about it, posting it on our Web 2.0 sites (like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Squidoo), using social bookmarking services to bookmark it, etc.

Now that we’ve mentioned the phrase “viral freebie” a few times, it’s time we define what we mean by this term…

DEFINED: “Viral Freebie”

A free product is used to build anticipation and buzz in the market.

A viral freebie could become in any format, such as a downloadable eBook, a short report, a video, an audio recording, access to a free teleseminar or webcast, software, spreadsheets, a toolbar, or any other sort of tools or resources that your market wants.

Quick Tip: That last line is key – it MUST be something your market wants.

You won’t get the viral effect if no one cares about your freebie.

You also need to release something directly relevant to what you’re offering in your firesale.

As an example: if you’re offering to resell rights products to

Internet marketer, then ideally your freebie should come with resell rights and/or it should educate people about how to cash in on resell rights.

Now, because plenty of marketers offer freebies all the time, you need to rise above the “noise” in your market.

That means your product must REALLY stand out from the other freebies:

  • One way to do that is to give away something extremely valuable that everyone else is charging for. Doing so will get customers “buzzing” (which is what you want).
  • Another way to get your freebie noticed is to make it edgy and controversial. You may even make it slightly offensive. This works best with a video, audio, controversial seminar or eBook.

Again, you should get this freebie out to the market about two weeks before your launch.

Inform your affiliates well in advance of what date you’d like them to start sending traffic to your page.

Then once you get people onto your mailing list, it’s time for you and your affiliates to start ratcheting up the excitement…

Step 3: Start Building Anticipation

You have a list full of prospects, and more joining all the time.

Now what you need to do is start dripping more free content along with mixing your marketing message into these emails.

Quick Tip: Think of your pre-launch as an event.

You want people on your list to start anticipating your email messages, which will be a mix of continued free content (edgy and controversial, if possible) and marketing messages.

And eventually, you want people to anticipate your product launch itself.

At first, you don’t tell too much. Think of yourself as a poker player, holding your cards close to your vest.

Instead, you drop a hint here and there when the launch is still about one and a half to two weeks away.

You tell people to write the launch date and time on their calendar, because “something big is coming.”

You just don’t them what you’re talking about, you continue to drip-free content via the newsletter.

About a week before the launch you can start your other events, like a contest.

Regardless of what sort of contest or games you run at this time, you should have all contestants post on your blog, because these posts serve as social proof.

You may have games, where anyone can win prizes (like discount coupons for the firesale package).

Quick Tip: One of the best types of pre-launch contests you can run is one in which the entrants sell themselves on your firesale package.

For example, each entrant must write 300 words on the top three benefits they’ll receive when they purchase the package.

The overall winner gets the package for free.

Everyone else gets a limited-time coupon with an extra discount.

This is one contest where the “runners up” become customers!

In the final five or so days before your launch, you start steadily releasing more and more information about the firesale.

You tell people in every email you send about how the package will benefit them.

You should release daily emails that tell a little bit more about the package – that way, about 24-48 hours before launch you’ll have many prospects who’ve already decided they’re buying.

Now there are just two final pieces you need to snap into your pre-launch emails to make this really work:

  • You need to stress the urgency of buying immediately. Since this is a firesale, the price will go up – let your prospects know this.
  • You need to build curiosity about the package. Don’t reveal every product. Indeed, mention that there are some “never before seen” gems in the package – and merely HINT about them (and their benefits) without coming right out and directly telling people what these products are.

Your most curiosity-arousing email should hit your prospects’ inboxes about 36 hours before the launch.

You should send one more message the night before launch (generally about 12 hours before the launch time) to remind prospects that the sale starts “in the morning.”

Finally, remember that you need to keep your affiliates updated throughout this final week.

And even though you should have a lot of “cookied” prospects on your list due to the initial viral freebie promotion, your affiliates should also be sending emails to build anticipation in the final week – and right up until the night before.

Quick Tip: Use a “countdown clock” script on your firesale home page that counts down the days, hours and minutes until your sale launches.

That way, every time someone visits the page to join your mailing list, they’ll see the timer.

You can then periodically remind people to check out the page to see how much time until launch.

Doing so helps build excitement.

Step 4: Launch!

Today is launch day. You should check through your links and pages one more time several hours before you actually launch.

You should also email your marketing partners to remind them to promote the launch.

Then, about a minute or two before the launch, replace the “countdown” page with your actual sales page.

Quick Tip: Have one or two friends standing by with the sales page, your website FTP information, your autoresponder login information and the email you want to send to prospects.

That way, if something would happen like your power would go out or your Internet connection goes down, you can call them and they can upload your page and email your prospects.

Next, email your prospects and remind them the sale has started.

Keep the message short and sweet – a line or two and a link are all that’s needed.

You needn’t “sell” them too hard in this message, because you’ve been persuading them all week!

After the launch, it’s time for you to sit back and watch your PayPal account grow to a small fortune!

This is a very exciting day – and it will continue to be exciting for the next three days!

But while you’re popping champagne corks and celebrating, don’t forget there are a few more things you need to do:

  • If you’re manually adjusting the price changes (as opposed to having a script do it), then you’ll need to raise the price on the second and third day of the firesale.
  • About six hours before you raise the price, email your prospect list to remind them they have a short amount of time to get the package before the price increases. (This is your “fear of loss” urgency tactic.)
  • Answer all your customer service inquiries as quickly as possible. If you can’t answer them within a couple of hours, then hire assistants to help you.
  • Stay in contact with your affiliates throughout the launch to keep them motivated and informed of price changes.
  • Encourage your customers to become affiliates.
  • Promote your sale in other ways, such as by blogging about it, talking about it on forums (or in your forum signature lines), posting YouTube videos about it, purchasing AdWords ads, submitting press releases to PRWeb.com, etc.
  • And enjoy your success – you DESERVE it!

Conclusion: Your Firesale Fortune Awaits!


Now that you know how the firesale works, you immediately put it to work for you! Let’s quickly recap the steps:

#1 – COLLECT a Package of In-Demand Products #2 – CRAFT a High-Response Sales Page

#3 – CONTACT and Recruit Launch Partners

#4 – CREATE a Buzz-Building Marketing Campaign

If you use this system exactly as described, it’s very possible that you could make more money in those three days than you made all of last year. It’s true –

Many marketers have used firesales to pull in massive amounts of money.

No doubt you’ve heard about a few of the six-figure firesales!

If the firesale experts can make over $100,000 with this system, there’s nothing stopping you from doing the same.

But think of it this way – even if you make 50% of the money the experts make, you could still pull in a cool $50,000… in just 72 hours!

But it won’t happen by itself. And it won’t happen if you merely “wish” you could make a fortune with your firesale.

It will ONLY happen if you really desire it if you commit to carrying out the system, AND if you get started immediately by taking action.

So get to it!

It’s time for you to take the first step, which means you need to start collecting a package of products to sell.

And you can start right now.

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Categories: Online Marketing
Matt: Mattched IT was founded in June 2006 by Matt and Steve, who had been working together for several years. Initially the business focussed on providing out-sourced development services, but this evolved into our current model – a flexible collective who work with other agencies as well as directly on client projects. And our own products, too.